CR 7400 System

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7400 Training

CR 7400 Digital Radiography System Installation Guide - This instructional guide is designed for dental professionals who use the CR 7400 digital radiography system. It provides instructions for installing the user interface software, setting up the system, and performing PM Gain Verification. The instructions include procedures for naming rooms and for selecting intraoral and extraoral preferences.
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CR 7400 Digital Radiography System Quick Reference Guide - This instructional guide is designed for dental professionals who use the CR 7400 digital radiography system. It provides quick reference instructions for using the unit safely when scanning, acquiring an x-ray, and loading or removing plates and holders. The instructions include the procedures for cleaning the unit, preparing the software, and performing an FMS.
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CR 7400 Digital Radiography System User Guide - This instructional guide is designed for dental professionals who use the CR 7400 digital radiography system. It provides instructions for using the unit safely when scanning, acquiring an x-ray, and loading or removing plates and holders. The instructions include the procedures for maintenance, troubleshooting, and technical specifications.
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CR 7400 Digital Radiography System: Intraoral #1 and #2 FMS: Taking Intraoral Images Job Aid - This two-page job aid is designed for all clinical staff employees and serves as a guide for taking intraoral full mouth series (FMS) images with the #1 and #2 FMS holder when using the CR 7400 digital radiography system.
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CR 7400 Digital Radiography System: Intraoral #2 and #3 FMS: Taking Intraoral Images Job Aid - This two-page job aid is designed for all clinical staff employees and serves as a guide for taking intraoral full mouth series (FMS) images with the #2 and #3 FMS holder when using the CR 7400 digital radiography system.
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CR 7400 Digital Radiography System: Introduction to the CR 7400 System Recorded Class - This beginning-level recorded class is designed for clinical team members and provides an overview of the CR 7400 system. By the end of this class, you should be familiar with the system functionality, unit components, intraoral plates and holders, extraoral plates and cassettes, and system care and maintenance. (19 minutes)
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CR 7400 Digital Radiography System: Scanning Interface Simulation - This software simulation is designed to familiarize all clinical staff with the CR 7400 digital radiography system scanning interface.
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CR 7400 Digital Radiography System: Taking Extraoral Images Recorded Class - This beginning-level recorded class is designed for clinical staff members needing to obtain the skills required to acquire extraoral images with the CR 7400 digital radiography system. By the end of this class, you should be able to place the plate into the cassette, load the plate onto the scanner drum, scan the plates, and end a scan. We recommend that you view the Kodak CR 7400 Digital Radiography System: Introduction to the CR 7400 System Recorded Class prior to attending this class. (6 minutes)
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CR 7400 Digital Radiography System: Taking Intraoral Images Recorded Class - This beginning-level recorded class is designed for clinical team members needing to obtain the skills required to acquire intraoral images with the CR 7400 digital radiography system. By the end of this class, you should be able to prepare the plate in the pouch, prepare the pouch in the envelope, expose the plate, load the plate onto the scanner drum, scan the plates, and end a scan. (8 minutes)
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CR 7400 Digital Radiography System: Using FMS Mounts Recorded Class - This beginning-level recorded class is designed for clinical staff members needing to obtain the skills required to acquire full mouth series, or FMS images, with the CR 7400 digital radiography system. By the end of this class, you should be able to pre-number the imaging pouches, prepare the plates for exposure, acquire images with the numbered pouches, load the correct FMS holder onto the drum, load the plates onto the FMS holder, scan the plates into an FMS mount, and end a scan. (14 minutes)
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